Help Access win £7000!

ebay-charity-logo-borderYou might be aware that Access funds itself by selling donated items on Ebay and Amazon. But did you know you can help Access without donating anything or spending a penny? Well Ebay and PayPal are running a competition throughout October to donate up to £7000 to a charity of your choice.

Working with young people in a radio-skills workshop

To nominate Access all you have to do is this:-

1. Go to
2. Click on “Save as Favourite” (you may have to log in to your Ebay account)
3. That’s it!

£7000 would make a massive difference to our work as we change lives through our media, training and education activities and help other charities with support that they otherwise couldn’t afford.


When you get to our Ebay page, click the logo on the right hand side of the page, as shown below!

So go to now to help us change more lives through our work!

*Terms and Conditions Apply. Visit and click on ‘Terms and Conditions’ to find out more.