I thought this podcast would be about Jeremy telling us his delights in all things Hip-Hop as the ‘Rappin’ Chaplain’ and how he looks after those in the Hospice. How wrong was I. Why would a Rapper become a Spiritual Director and also a Chaplain to a Hospice? What was it like to be a Preacher’s Kid from rural Vermont to suddenly be moved to the ‘Hood’, New York and why? What is the difference between grieving and lamenting? What is Self-Made faith? What is Sabbath Coaching? Can he rap when asked? Yes he can and then some….but can he rhyme Martin with another word? Please listen and find out. You’ll be challenged and encouraged massively especially if you are feeling life is being squeezed out of you currently and you don’t know what to do. PS Happy 50th Birthday HH on August 11th.