Off Grid Christianity – Episode 77 – Iwan Russell-Jones

Off Grid Christianity
Off Grid Christianity
Off Grid Christianity - Episode 77 - Iwan Russell-Jones

Iwan used to be a BBC producer based in Cardiff having studied Theology at Oxford University. Prior to this he was in a Christian Rock Band. He later taught at Regent College in Vancouver. In this absorbing episode, Iwan discusses what Liberation Theology is, who The Levellers were and what he would do if I made him the Bishop of Wales! If only I could. The Christian Hero slot has created a new record for length….and after you have heard it, you will want to buy at least one of the two books referenced. I did and what a book it is and I am so pleased we deviated otherwise we would have never known. Why do I ask him if he had seen a mouse? To find out, please listen.

Hello Liam and Noel