Off Grid Christianity – No episode this week. – It’s school half-term holiday so I will be taking that break as well! The next podcast will return on Saturday 17th February (UK time).

Off Grid Christianity
Off Grid Christianity
Off Grid Christianity - No episode this week. - It's school half-term holiday so I will be taking that break as well! The next podcast will return on Saturday 17th February (UK time).

However, I am pleased to announce that Jeannie Kendall and I have just recorded a sequel to Episode 59, Jesus And Women In The Gospels – Let’s Get Beyond The Soundbites,

We have been really pleased with such positive feedback for this special edition podcast (#59). If you haven’t heard it, please have a listen and let us know what you think. The sequel is about Paul’s views on women in church and why they are so controversial today or maybe not! This episode will be available very soon.

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