– Double Episode Release Part Two- A fully newly edited single version of the 2 podcasts released last year to celebrate St Patrick’s Day.

Off Grid Christianity
Off Grid Christianity
- Double Episode Release Part Two- A fully newly edited single version of the 2 podcasts released last year to celebrate St Patrick's Day.

This edited version with Martina Purdy (ex BBC Political Correspondent) and Elaine Kelly (former Barrister) focuses on who St Patrick was and what he did on the island of Ireland. There is an alternative quiz plus a tour of the historical sites associated with Patrick culminating in a visit to his grave in Downpatrick. Why is he a saint? Was he a slave? What evidence is there today that he existed? How strong was his Christian faith? You might have listened to both parts last year which are still available to listen. However, I am really pleased that I have edited it into a single podcast as I had forgotten so much about who Patrick was and what he did on this island. Please enjoy this special podcast and the craic that was had with Martina, Elaine and a couple of guests. A brand new episode will be available next week.