New Songs on The Access Playlist – 20th December 2019

Three more songs added to this week’s playlist on Access. They are all artists that we’ve played before on the station but not one’s with a huge following (yet) in the UK. There’s another track from Apollo LTD following on from their previous playlist hit Gold, For King And Country bring a track that is new to us in the form of Amen and Hollyn chips in with her latest offering I Feel Bad For You. 

As usual we’ve listed our new songs below with links to download/preview them from iTunes and Amazon. Enjoy!

  • Supernatural – Apollo LTD
  • Amen – For King And Country 
  • I Feel Bad For You – Hollyn

N.B. If you can’t see the links to iTunes and Amazon and you are using an ad-blocker, add us to your ‘white-list’ and then they should work fine.

Playlist Adds 20th December 2019
