After months in the making our Christmas Drama The Big Night is just a few days away now! You can listen to it throughout the Christmas weekend this Friday to Boxing Day) at 9am, 2pm, 6pm, and 9pm. But if your schedule for the weekend is far to unporedictable to be able to listen in, don’t worry, it will be uploaded to our website so you can listen at your own convenience.
You might remember our Easter drama, Centurion of The Cross written by David Piper? Well, Dave changed jobs earlier this year and so used the time between employers to produce something with a Festive feel for Access and other stations around the UK. We’re not going to say too much about it now (apart from what’s in the trailer above) but what we can say is that it involves a light-hearted look at the Christmas story, featuring shepherds, wise men and a particularly unusual ‘choir of angels’. It’s also somewhat of a unique production, having been put together from a variety of voices many miles apart using the magic of technology to make it all work!
Make sure you listen in this weekend or visit our website to catch up!